New Series: Darkness


Last year, in my 2nd year of my Fine Art degree at University, I created a small series of photographs, which I later named Darkness. It was the first time I had used my new Panasonic G5 mirrorless camera, which I bought to give me more control, quality and capabilities over my standard point-and-shoot camera which I used when I first began exploring and experimenting with photography. Darkness is my first photographic series; I hope you enjoy it.


The series ‘Darkness’ consists of three cinematic images depicting an unsettled individual confined within a psychological landscape of mystery and melancholy.

At night, the streets are quieter, the lights are stronger, the alleys are darker, and the atmosphere is moodier. There is an air of uncertainty and a feeling of potential danger lurking in the shadows, especially when alone. In contrast, light can provide a sense of safety and security. The subject is in a state of isolation, apprehension, and loneliness, surrounded by a shroud of darkness, in both senses of the word.

Untitled 1, DarknessUntitled 1, Darkness

Untitled 2, DarknessUntitled 2, Darkness

Untitled 3, DarknessUntitled 3, Darkness

You can view the series in higher quality and with more details by clicking here.